Doe Down, Jerky On
First day of my vacation here in good old Pennsylvania I decided to hit the woods at location Bravo. It was 28 degrees when I woke up and I left my gloves at the last location I went hunting at. I saw two shooting stars on my way to my stand and it was a beautiful clear morning. I was up and in my stand by 6:30AM and shortly after I heard a dear trotting down by my stand. All I could make out was the outside of its body and could not tell if it was a buck or doe.
Just at first light I heard a few deer walking just inside a thicket of brush but could not see any of them. It was around 8:30AM and I was beginning to think I was going to get skunked and not see any deer after light when I heard a bunch of deer coming. I could see their bodies walking through the thickets coming right my way. I stood up and got my bow in position there were 11 total doe including fawns. They were completely oblivious to my location until they crossed where I walked into my stand they froze and began looking around but after about 5 minutes they continued on.
I thought there had to be a buck following behind the doe since we are starting to see them following the doe around. About 10 minutes later I heard something else coming and I was certain this would be a buck. To my disappointment it was another doe. She gave me a decent shot through a young pine three at about 15 yards. My arrow disappeared through the small pine tree and she took off running.
I couldn't tell where I hit her but saw massive amounts of blood. She only made it about 100 yards before dying. I shot her through the lung.
I then field dressed her and only had to drag her another 100 yards to a back road that allowed me to pull in. We took her back straps, saved a few roasts and are now making the rest into grounded jerky with hickory seasoning.
I was right by an out-jetting in a grass field. The doe were on their way to bed down after hitting up a local corn field.
Just at first light I heard a few deer walking just inside a thicket of brush but could not see any of them. It was around 8:30AM and I was beginning to think I was going to get skunked and not see any deer after light when I heard a bunch of deer coming. I could see their bodies walking through the thickets coming right my way. I stood up and got my bow in position there were 11 total doe including fawns. They were completely oblivious to my location until they crossed where I walked into my stand they froze and began looking around but after about 5 minutes they continued on.
I thought there had to be a buck following behind the doe since we are starting to see them following the doe around. About 10 minutes later I heard something else coming and I was certain this would be a buck. To my disappointment it was another doe. She gave me a decent shot through a young pine three at about 15 yards. My arrow disappeared through the small pine tree and she took off running.
I couldn't tell where I hit her but saw massive amounts of blood. She only made it about 100 yards before dying. I shot her through the lung.
I then field dressed her and only had to drag her another 100 yards to a back road that allowed me to pull in. We took her back straps, saved a few roasts and are now making the rest into grounded jerky with hickory seasoning.
I was right by an out-jetting in a grass field. The doe were on their way to bed down after hitting up a local corn field.